When a representative sample of American voters were given a detailed presentation of ten police reform proposals in current Congressional bills, large majorities favored all of them. Majorities of Democrats and independents favored all ten proposals. Majorities of Republicans favored six of the proposals; the other four were found at least ”tolerable.”
The proposals were drawn from the two most prominent pieces of police reform legislation in Congress – the House’s George Floyd Justice in Policing Act and the Senate’s JUSTICE Act. The Program for Public Consultation provides respondents with an in-depth briefing on the issues, and has them evaluate pro and con arguments before they weigh-in with their recommendations. The briefing and arguments were reviewed by proponents and opponents to ensure that they were accurate and fair and that the strongest arguments were presented. To learn more about police reform proposals and put yourself in the shoes of elected officials in Congress, please try out our Police Reform Policymaking Simulation.
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Currently, about half of all police departments do not have body cameras. 9 in 10 Americans (85% Republican, 94% Democrats) favor requiring all police officers wear body cameras and turn them on when they are on calls. #PoliceReform vop.org/policereform/
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In a recent @ppc_umd survey, bipartisan majorities, 94% of Democrats & 71% of Republicans, support requiring police departments to make it a duty for officers to intervene when another officer is using excessive force. #PoliceReform vop.org/policereform/
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In order to keep track of bad actors in the police force, 81% of Americans support creating a registry of police misconduct that would be available to the public. In a @ppc_umd survey, 7 in 10 Republicans and 9 in 10 Democrats agree. #PoliceReform vop.org/policereform/
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Chokeholds by police officers caused the deaths of Eric Garner and George Floyd. Nearly 3 in 4 Americans support #PoliceReform prohibiting the use of chokeholds and other neck restraints that prevent breathing. vop.org/policereform/
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Black people are more than 2x as likely to be shot and killed by officers than white people. Bipartisan Majorities (89% Democrats, 53% Republicans) favor requiring all police officers to receive training to counter implicit racial bias. #PoliceReform vop.org/policereform/
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When there is a case against a police officer for using deadly force, the prosecutor often works closely with the officer’s department. 7 in 10 Americans agree there should be federal funds to enable states to always hire independent prosecutors. vop.org/policereform/
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7 in 10 Americans favor requiring police officers be trained in de-escalation techniques and alternatives to the use of deadly force, and say officers should be held criminally liable if they fail to exhaust all alternatives. #PoliceReform vop.org/policereform/
According to @ppc_umd, two thirds of Americans favor prohibiting the use of no-knock warrants, in which officers are allowed to break into houses without warning. Republicans are split, with 45% in support. #PoliceReform vop.org/policereform/
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Local law enforcement agencies can get surplus military equipment for only the cost of shipping. Nearly 2/3rds of Americans support requiring police get municipal approval for any requests for military equipment and prohibit requests for automatic weapons vop.org/policereform/
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Qualified Immunity is playing a large role in the Congress’ negotiations on #PoliceReform. A @ppc_umd survey found that over half of R’s opposed amending QI, but 56% found changes at least “tolerable” (5-10). vop.org/policereform/
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