Bipartisan Health Care Stabilization Act
Co-Sponsors: Sen. Alexander & Sen. Murray

In this simulation, respondents evaluate the three major provisions of the Bipartisan Health Care Stabilization Act of 2017. Better known as the Alexander-Murray bill, this proposed compromise was reached by Senator and HELP Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander and Senator and HELP Committee Ranking Member Patty Murray to amend the Affordable Care Act to fund cost-sharing reductions subsidies. The plan will also provide more flexibility for state waivers, allow a new “Copper Plan” or catastrophic coverage for those under 30, allow interstate insurance compacts, and redirect consumer fees to states for outreach.

Outreach for ACA Exchanges Results
  • Whether to restore spending on outreach to familiarize people with the ACA’s insurance exchanges and help them find a health plan
National and by Party ID By Demographics
Subsidies for Low Income People Results
  • Whether to restore the subsidies that go to insurance companies to reimburse them for covering the out of pocket costs of low income people for at least two years
National and by Party ID By Demographics
Copper Plans Results
  • Whether to make low cost “copper plans” with very high deductibles an option in the ACA exchanges to anyone seeking individual insurance, including people over the age of 30
National and by Party ID By Demographics

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