Affordable Care Act (ACA) and American Health Care Act (AHCA)

In this simulation, users have the opportunity to weigh in on the key elements of the Affordable Care Act that the American Health Care Act proposed to repeal and replace.

Healthcare for Low Income Populations Results
  • Assessing the ACA provision to expand Medicaid
National and by Party ID By Demographics
  • Assessing the ACA provision to help people under the Federal poverty line pay for their monthly premiums
National and by Party ID By Demographics
  • Assessing the ACA provision to help low income people pay out-of-pocket expenses
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  • Assessing the ACA provisions to establish extra taxes on upper incomes, investment income, large health insurance companies, and medical devices, as well as provisions to decrease deductions for medical expenses
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  • Assessing the AHCA provision to end the current Medicaid expansion by 2020
National and by Party ID By Demographics
  • Assessing the AHCA provision to limit what the Federal government would pay to states
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  • Assessing the AHCA provision to replace premium subsidies for individual insurance with a fixed tax credit
National and by Party ID By Demographics
  • Assessing the AHCA provision to repeal subsidies for out-of-pocket expenses and replace them with a $108 billion fund for the states to set up similar programs
National and by Party ID By Demographics
  • Assessing the AHCA provision to repeal ACA tax and medical-expense deduction reforms primarily devoted to offsetting the low-income health plan
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  • Whether to replace the ACA with AHCA provisions for low-income people
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Mandates for Employers and Individuals Results
  • Whether to repeal the ACA requirement for employers with more than 50 employees to provide health insurance
National and by Party ID By Demographics
  • Whether to replace the ACA individual mandate requiring individuals to have health insurance
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Premium Rates for Older Insurees Results
  • Whether to raise amount that insurance companies can charge older people as compared to younger people
National and by Party ID By Demographics
Charging Higher Rates Based on Pre-Existing Conditions Results
  • Whether to allow states to get a waiver from ACA requirements to cover all people despite pre-existing conditions and high-risk family history
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Covering Essential Benefits Results
  • Whether to allow states to get a waiver so that insurance companies would not have to cover ten “essential benefits”
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Disallowing Access to Planned Parenthood Results
  • Whether to prohibit Medicare patients from using government-funded health benefits in Planned Parenthood clinics
National and by Party ID By Demographics
Passing the AHCA
  • Whether to pass the AHCA law that repeals and replaces ACA
National and by Party ID

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