Call Your Representative
Calling your representatives in Congress can be very productive, especially if you can get like-minded friends to put in a call of their own. This is a brief guide to help you take this step.
- First, find out who represents you in Congress. Each state has two Senators, and each district has one Representative. Use VOP’s built-in lookup feature to find out who yours are. In zip codes that span more than one congressional district, you’ll need your Zip+4, which you can find here.
- Your representatives’ Washington, DC office phone numbers will appear under their portraits.
- Call their office and explain to the staffer who picks up why you support the Citizen Cabinet calmly and briefly. Make sure to ask the staffer on the phone to register your support for a Citizen Cabinet. Sending an email to follow up after the call never hurts.
- Organize members of your community to call and express similar support!